
365. Yeti Icon

yeti icon Update! All of the icons from this project are now available to purchase as vector icons. Pick them up using the link below:


Here it is. The final entry in the Year of Icons. I'm equal parts relieved that the project is over and sad that it's finished. The daily regimen of creating a new icon has been something I've enjoyed (for the most part). It's also been an interesting challenge as I try to design icons that aren't already a part of my existing Symbolicons Block set.

So. Why a Yeti? I knew that I wanted the final entry to feel special in some way and not be a regular ol' icon. Part of me thought yesterday's icon (a TARDIS) would have been an appropriate send off, what with it's associating with time travel. But I didn't want to end the year with an icon I couldn't claim as my own. I wanted an icon that "felt" like me, if that makes any sense. So when I struck up the idea of making a character-based icon, I jumped at it. The robot illustration that accompanied the original Symbolicons website (and can still be seen dancing on the 404 page) was one of the first things I designed when I completed my first set of icons. Creating a new character brings things full circle in some odd way. He's cute and cuddly, and a little bit goofy. I think I'll name him Francis.

On another note, thank you to everyone who has followed along with this project, and supported me during the process. While I may have been able to stick to a daily regimen and create something new without you, I absolutely would not have wanted to. I've made new friendships along the way, and have had many great conversations. I've even had some really fun work spawn from the project. (I had the chance to do illustrations for a company that has been a part of my life since childhood. It was a dream come true, and I'll be posting about that soon.) So thanks for the support, for the ideas, and for sticking around.

What's next? Well, for one thing, I'm not going to design a new icon tomorrow. At some point in the near future, I'll bundle them all together and include the vector files as part of a new Symbolicons set. But the PNGs will be available, for free, on this website indefinitely.

And after that? Believe it or not, I'm actually going to embark on another year-long side project. It certainly won't be daily, but it's something I've wanted to do for a long time, and I'd love to share the process with you. The plan is to write and illustrate a children's book. The tentative title is "The boy, the girl, and the rock giant." I hope you'll follow along for the ride.


(Oh, and I know this is completely self-indulgent, but if you're so inclined, I'd love it if you nominated the Year of Icons for the Net Magazine Net Awards. There's a project for "Side Project of the Year" that I'd be thrilled to be considered for.) You're all awesome. Especially you.)

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